“Valid Parentheses” Cheat Sheet javascript solution
The Valid Parentheses is in the easy category and is a good start for understanding more challenging algorithms using the stack and array as a data structure. I will focus on explaining a solution that works and not on the O time and space complexity.
“Given a string s containing just the characters ‘(‘, ‘)’, ‘{‘, ‘}’, ‘[‘ and ‘]’, determine if the input string is valid.
An input string is valid if:
- Open brackets must be closed by the same type of brackets.
- Open brackets must be closed in the correct order.”LeetCode
// String s// Determine if valid// Valid = same type brackets && open/closed in correct order// Empty string = true// Return boolean
Input: s = “[]”Output: true
create a valid brackets object to compare to a stack that will store the string brackets and return true or false.
1.Create an object of valid brackets
let validBracket = {
2. Create an array to sort the stack
let stack =[];
3. Loop through the string s
for (let char of s ) {
4. Check if validBracket
if (validBracket[char]){
5. If valid push through the stack
6. If the last character not equal to char it is false
if (stack.pop()!== char ) return false
var isValid = function(s) {let validBracket = {‘(‘:’)’,‘{‘:’}’,‘[‘:’]’}let stack =[];for (let char of s ) {if (validBracket[char]){stack.push(validBracket[char])} else {if (stack.pop()!== char ) return false}}return (!stack.length)};